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Hope Restored
A closer look at Jewish Customs and Traditions

A closer look at Jewish Customs and Traditions

A group discussion and closer look at Jewish Customs and Traditions. Using select YouTube clips from the film and play of "Fiddler on the Roof" - we look at how these clips capture the essence of Jewish culture. Set in the early 20th Century, the story it depicts the daily struggles of a Jewish family in Russia. The father, Tevia, tries to keep the family together with the traditions he grew up with, but soon finds that the world- even the Jewish world- is changing. D&J together with various churches, explored and discussed the world of the Jewish people, using short clips from the film to help us better understand how their history and traditions influence much of their actions and thinking, even to this day. Filmed at Restoration Fellowship in George, WC. These discussions are available on invitation, see below web details for contact details. David and Jonathan Foundation: //WEB// //FACEBOOK// h The David and Jonathan Foundation partners believers and churches with our network of partner Messianic Jewish Congregations in Israel. We also teach locally on God's plan with Israel and 'the Church'. Through church services, conferences, feasts, Israel Tours, resources and media, David and Jonathan Foundation creates a platform for Believers to encounter God's heart for the Jewish people and raise up a new generations for to take part in God's story. Partner with our vision to support Messianic congregations in Israel. Donate today to help them share the Gospel in their local community. You can make a difference. click here for more details : and #davidandjonathanfoundation #dandj #dandjfoundation #israel #prolife #messianicjudaism #messianiccongregation #loveisrael #donate #onenewman #jewish #christian #capetown #salembiblegarden #covenant #friendships #missions #davidandjonathan #fiddlerontheroof
Be'ad Chaim - PRO LIFE , Israel

Be'ad Chaim - PRO LIFE , Israel

Support Be'ad Chaim, our network partner organization in Israel, through the David and Jonathan Foundation. Help save unborn babies. Estimates say 1/5 of all pregnancies in Israel end in abortion. Since 1948, more babies have been aborted in Israel than the number of children that died in the Holocaust. Yet despite the nation’s deeply rooted respect for life, Israel is one of the only countries in the world where it is legal to abort a baby up until birth. You can help bring hope to women in crisis pregnancies by providing counseling, education, and practical provision. In this way you can partner in helping the men and women of Israel choose LIFE. Be'ad Chaim - Pro Life | Israel : Their mission is to end abortion and to preserve life in Israel by offering viable alternatives to abortion, resources for mothers in need, pregnancy counseling, as well as education initiatives. Be'ad Chaim is a registered Israeli non-profit organization that provides hope, education, counseling, and other practical services that empower women to choose life. By providing support such as counseling for those hurting from Post Abortion Syndrome (PAS), shelter for homeless mothers, and supplying practical needs for new babies, Be’ad Chaim is not only saving and changing lives through the love of God, but is impacting public opinion about the choice of abortion on a national scale, with the mission of ending abortion in Israel altogether. David and Jonathan Foundation: //WEB// //FACEBOOK// The David and Jonathan Foundation partners believers and churches with our network of partner Messianic Jewish Congregations in Israel. We also teach locally on God's plan with Israel and 'the Church'. Through church services, conferences, feasts, Israel Tours, resources and media, David and Jonathan Foundation creates a platform for Believers to encounter God's heart for the Jewish people and raise up a new generations for to take part in God's story. Partner with our vision to support Messianic congregations in Israel. Donate today to help them share the Gospel in their local community. You can make a difference. click here for more details : and //BE AD CHAIM// #davidandjonathanfoundation #dandj #dandjfoundation #israel #prolife #messianicjudaism #messianiccongregation #loveisrael #donate #onenewman #jewish #christian #capetown #salembiblegarden #covenant #friendships #missions #davidandjonathan #beadchaim
A Church in a Bomb Shelter in Israel - Beit Hallel , Ashkelon

A Church in a Bomb Shelter in Israel - Beit Hallel , Ashkelon

Meet Beit Hallel congregation, located in Ashkelon, close to Gaza. This often makes it a target for rocket fire. They are never sure when or where a rocket might hit. God has graciously put His hand on this congregation by supplying a place in which safety and refuge can be found. This amazing new underground facility has already seen the blessing of God. Pastor Israel Pochtar shares the miracles God is doing in Ashkelon. You can support this Congregation through prayers and donations via the David and Jonathan Foundation. See our website for more details. Sign up to our Newsletter for monthly updates. David and Jonathan Foundation //Donate// //Website// //Facebook// The David and Jonathan Foundation partners believers and churches with our network of partner Messianic Jewish Congregations in Israel. We also teach locally on God's plan with Israel and 'the Church'. Through church services, conferences, feasts, Israel Tours, resources and media, David and Jonathan Foundation creates a platform for Believers to encounter God's heart for the Jewish people and raise up a new generations for to take part in God's story. Partner with our vision to support Messianic congregations in Israel. Donate today to help impact Israel with the Gospel. You can make a difference. click here for more details : and #davidandjonathanfoundation #d&j #dandjfoundation #israel #messianicjudaism #messianiccongregation #loveisrael #donate #israel #gaza #christian #congregation #church #bombshelter
Prophecies to be fullfilled before the return of Messiah - Barbara Clayton
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