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Expand the Kingdom of God in Israel

Help expand the Kingdom of God in Israel, by partnering with the local Messianic Jewish Congregations in Israel. They effectively communicate the Good News of Yeshua/Jesus, and disciple both Jewish and Arab neighbors in their community. ​

David and Jonathan Foundation's focus is to help the Church build relationships with the network of different congregations in Israel that are partnering with us. According to the Bible, God is not finished with Israel. His plans and purposes with her will continue until Messiah returns to establish His Kingdom on earth.  We are grateful for the many churches and individuals that are responding to our call to support the believers in the Land.

Covenantal Relationships:  Just as David and Jonathan of old entered into a friendship covenant with each other (1 Sam 18:3), individuals or your congregation can join our network to support an Israeli congregation with your prayers, finances and visits. Help promote the Gospel of the Kingdom, which encompasses God's perfect plan for this world.  Actively seek reconciliation among Jewish and Gentile Believers, reflecting the teachings of John 17 regarding unity and Eph 2:15 – the ‘one new man’.


We invite you to join us ! Practical Steps for Active Engagement:

  • Connect in Comfortable Ways: You could connect with the David and Jonathan Foundation community in ways that feel comfortable to you. This could involve attending local gatherings, or Biblical feasts; by participating in online discussions & seminars, or collaborating on projects that align with their interests.

  • Build Covenant Relationships: Pray about which congregation you would like to support, as an individual, family, OR ask your local Church to partner with a congregation in Israel, communicate with us via email if your church would like to partner with the David and Jonathan Foundation to set this up formally.

    • Commit to pray for your partner congregation, their leadership, outreaches, safety and the families involved.

    • Support financially with donations or scheduled EFT payments

    • Promote God’s plans and purposes for the Jewish people

  • Participate in Local Congregations: The local congregations are important and vital for community building. You could:

    • Seek to be actively involved in YOUR local church: Being part of your local Body of Believers, whether community worship groups, home church, large congregations or smaller gatherings. Involvement in the Body of Messiah is greatly beneficial for YOUR relationship with God, the Kingdom and society in general.

    • Join or Establish a DJF prayer group in church: Establish a small groups of believers in your local church, meet regularly for prayer initiatives focused on unity among all believers, the salvation of the Jewish people, and specifically for the Body of Messiah in Israel.

    • Join or Establish a DJF Bible Study: Gather with other Believers to study & discuss Biblical principles, the unity of Hebrew and Greek scriptures, Feasts and Biblical covenants, to deepen understanding and prepare for active participation.  

  • Actively Seek Unity ( John 17 & Eph 2): Unity among believers is a core value:

    • Engage with Other Denominations: Actively seek relationships with Christians & Messianic Jewish Believers from different backgrounds, fostering reconciliation and understanding.

    • Avoid Gossip and Negative Speech: Foster a culture of positivity and support within the community of Believers by refraining from gossip or speaking ill of others.

  • Engage in hosting local meetings/feasts:

    • Volunteer for Local Committee: If there is already regular David and Jonathan Foundation meetings in your area, volunteer to be part of the committee, help with setup, décor, refreshments, greeting, sound/media, etc of the local David and Jonathan Foundation functions and feasts.

    • Apply to be a Church Liaison: If you Church is a network partner, apply to be the official DJF liaison inside your Church, communicate prayer requests to your church announcements, arrange venue to host DJF events at your Church or arrange an opportunity for DJF to speak for 10min about the Congregations in Israel at your morning Church service.


For more information WhatsApp +27714780845 or email


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