Donations :
To support the Messianic Believers in Israel with donations,
scroll down for donation details.
“Did God reject His people (the Jews)?
By no means! ……God did not reject His people,
whom He foreknew.” Romans 11:1-2
“This is what the LORD says:
Only if the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth below be searched out will I reject all the descendants of Israel…” Jeremiah 31:37
Congregations in

David and Jonathan Foundation currently partners with 14 congregations and organizations in Israel, and a network of churches and individuals in South Africa.
We expand the number of congregations we can support in Israel as our financial support increases.
Our aim is to support financially and otherwise our partner congregations in Israel, so that they may continue their good work in their local community.
These Messianic Congregations need your support. They face persecution and harassments mainly from the Ultra Orthodox communities. They may also endure rejection from their families for putting their faith in Jesus the Messiah.
The exciting part is that the Messianic Jewish believers in Jesus are a rapidly growing community, with more than a 130 congregations in the land of Israel.
Messianic Believers are increasingly more accepted in Israeli society and taking on a less marginalised roll. It is no longer the case that most Jewish people feel they have never heard of Jews who believe in Jesus.
On the contrary a lot of Jews are very open today to listen to the Gospel. Today there is about 20 000 Jewish Believers in Israel. They serve in the IDF, they love their communities and are proudly Jewish and patriotic Israeli's.
After 2000 years God has brought the Jewish people back to the Land. Messianic Jewish believers are growing in number and acceptance. We are seeing the fulfilment of prophecy in our generation.
We encourage you to seek the Lord to see how He wants you to participate in what He is already busy doing amongst the Jewish People.

Some of the leaders from Congregations in Israel who you will be supporting through our Foundation
Support these congregations to help them share the Gospel in Israel.
For Credit Card, Debit Card or Instant EFT Donations in Rand via PayFAST , just below,
please complete amount and qty below then click on the Donate button.
For manual EFT donations please use the following bank details
BRANCH: 632005
ACC: 409 176 7350
Click on price box to edit donation amount
Donations :
Legacy Giving
A bequest is one of the most meaningful legacies you can provide for your family, friends, and David and Jonathan Foundation. Your bequest helps ensure that your wishes for the future of the Congregations in Israel will be honored. The generosity and vision of our former supporters have help in this way to sustain David and Jonathan Foundation and outreaches in Israel.
BELOW is a link to a Last Will and Testament template, available in pdf or msword for.
Please contact us at info@davidandjonathan.org to set up your Legacy Gift today!