The Way Anti-Semites Reason
The mindset of someone who hates the Jewish people is often illustrated through this adaption of an interaction Emperor Hadrian had with Jewish subjects:
As the Emperor Hadrian was being carried through the street of Rome, a Jew passed by. “Long life to you, O Emperor!” the Jew greeted him.
“Who are you?” asked the Emperor. “I’m a Jew.”
“How dare you, a Jew, greet me!” Hadrian raged. “Chop his head off !” he ordered his soldiers.
Another Jew, who chanced to pass by just then and saw what had happened to the first Jew, decided not to greet the Emperor.
“Who are you?” Hadrian demanded. “I’m a Jew.” “How dare you, a Jew, pass me by without greeting me?” raged Hadrian. “Chop his head off!” he ordered his soldiers.
The Emperor’s counsellors were filled with astonishment. “O Emperor, we cannot grasp the meaning of your action,” they said. “If you had the first Jew decapitated because he greeted you, why did you do the same thing to the second Jew because he did not greet you?”
“Are you trying to teach me how to handle my enemies?” retorted the Emperor.
Psalm 83 reflect the grim realities of Antisemitism through the ages, and especially in our day. Please pray for Israel and the Jewish people for deliverance, even while their enemies make an uproar, and devise crafty plans against God’s people. These enemies rebel against God, they plan to wipe His Nation off the earth.
History is rife with hatred and attacks against Jews, for being too poor and being too rich, for not assimilating and for assimilating with the nation they life in; for not having a country of their own, and now for having a country of their own. The common denominator is a spiritual battle and rebellion against God, & hating Jewish people simply for being Jewish.
Antisemitism has been labelled the world’s “oldest hatred”. This can range from cruel jokes and vile accusations, political and commercial boycotts, physical violence, vandalism, threats, Holocaust denial, cemetery desecration and even murder.
All forms of racism is evil, yet Jew-hatred has spiritual origins, that is the partly the reason why excuses for antisemitism keep changing. Also the reason we have this weird double standard world wide where nations and governments, media and religious groups obsess over attacking the Jewish people. The anomaly of the UN having dozens of findings against Israel each year, while they ignore terror nations and actual genocides. Antisemitism is an area of spiritual warfare, because it is connected with God’s plan of eternal salvation.
Through Israel, God brought forth the Messiah and continues to fulfill His covenant for all humanity, which HE promised to Abraham and his seed, saying “…in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” God’s promise to Abraham included both the hope of the Gospel – the blessing of all nations – and the promise of descendants and the land. If the one falls away, so does the other. If the one part of the promise is still intact, then so is the other.
At the end of Matthew 23 Jesus said ‘you will not see me again until you say ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord’. For that you happen the Jews need to be back in their land, this start in 1948, (also in line with prophecies about Jews being restored to the Land and God keeping His covenant), they need to be back in Jerusalem, which happened in 1967, and their hearts need to be prepared to receive the Messiah. There has always been a remnant of Jewish people in Israel, and there has always been a remnant of Jewish Believers in Yeshua/Jesus through the last 2000 years. Yet in 1948 there were +- 5 Messianic families in Israel, and today there are at least 300 Messianic Jewish congregations and aid organisations in Israel. The world stage is being set for the return of Yeshua/Jesus.
In an attempt to wipe out Israel as a nations, to exterminate the Jewish people, (as stated in the Hamas charter), they are trying prevent the return of the Lord and the Millennial Kingdom of the Messiah.
The Nations Judged - Joel 3:1-2
3 [a]“In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,2 I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.[b]There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel,because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.
In the end times, God will allow all nations to draw up against Israel, Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah will save Israel. Then He will judge all the nations because they scattered GOD’s people, and divided up HIS Land, Israel. Christians / The Church has the option partner with God’s plans and purposes for Israel and the Jewish people, as laid out in the Bible, or we can take a ‘humanistic’ approach in opposition to God, along with those who get judged in Joel 3.
We invite you to partner with the David and Jonathan Foundation and the Messianic Jewish congregations in Israel – to promote God’s plans and purposes, to speak out, to partner in prayer; and even support them with donations.
Contact our office info@davidandjonathan.org to connect your Church with one of our partner congregations in Israel.
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Start an ‘Israel prayer group’ once a week, where you invite other Believers to pray for the Jewish people, the land of Israel, the Congregations and Believers in Israel; as well as the David and Jonathan Foundation on a regular basis.
David and Jonathan Foundation
Building covenant friendships with Israeli congregations